Therapy for Life Transitions

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Just when you thought things were settling down:

I am a movie buff. I would like to think that I am pretty versed in the "classics" and I am always open to adding new ones to my list. I also speak fluent movie quotes which can get me in trouble if used with the wrong audience. 

When I think about life transitions I imagine the scene from My Cousin Vinny. Vinny is asking his girlfriend which pants she believes would be good for hunting. Ms. Mona Lisa Vito storms out of the bathroom and does her famous monologue describing a deer getting a drink of water and then BAM (enter her unpleasant description here).  This is how I imagine life transitions, you are doing just fine and then there is a sudden change. Or maybe there is a planned change (like marriage, career, or family addition) that has some consequences you were not expecting. Surprise! You can't plan for everything. 

All kidding and movie quotes aside; are you having a hard time moving through and past the emotional turmoil? Do you feel completely stuck and like you need guidance getting back on track?

There’s no denying that life often presents us with our fair share of challenges, usually in the form of sudden change. These life transitions, even the positive ones, can throw us into a tailspin and leave us feeling stressed, confused, and vulnerable. But with the right tools and mindset, you have the power to not only overcome any adversity but also transform into a more authentic and confident version of yourself.

Change Can be Beneficial

Change, even difficult change that is neither wanted nor expected, can influence personal growth. Change gives us the opportunity to see what we’re made of; to become stronger, more confident, and better prepared for what life throws at us next. With each new challenge, we develop new personal skills and obtain a greater awareness of ourselves, our families, and our communities. 

Some of the most common life transitions we help clients navigate are:

  • Moving away to college
  • Adjusting to university life or your first professional job
  • Getting married
  • Having a new baby
  • Parenting
  • Empty nesting syndrome
  • Breakup, separation, or divorce
  • Infidelity recovery
  • Retirement
  • Job loss or major change in career
  • Relocation
  • Financial gain/loss
  • Serious illness or disability
  • Issues pertaining to aging
  • Death of a loved one
  • Questioning the meaning of life
  • Questioning your faith/spirituality
  • Questioning your sexual/gender identity

Is it Time to Speak to Someone?

Sometimes we can handle change and adversity by ourselves and sometimes we need a little help. I’m here to lend that helping hand and offer a warm and encouraging environment where you can speak candidly and receive care, compassion and guidance. 

If you or someone you love is struggling with a life transition and would like to explore treatment options, please be in touch. You don’t need to struggle alone.