Do I have ADHD?

If you aren't quite sure if you have ADHD, an assessment might be the place to start. 

An assessment is right for you if:

  • You are just curious and aren't sure about this therapy stuff
  • You aren't ready to make the time commitment to weekly therapy but could use some knowledge and support
  • You are interested in group therapy for ADHD

The Process and the Cost:


The assessment is 4-5 sessions based around your schedule. 

Session 1: standardized tests

Sessions 2 and 3:  clinical interview and review of symptoms. 

Session 4: Interview family members or partners. With your consent, I can schedule with them directly.  

Session 5:  Discuss results and recommendations. I provide education about the diagnosis if appropriate. 

The expected cost of and ADHD assessment is $900. This includes the time to prepare the report. I will also meet with and explain any recommendations and share resources for ADHD.  Additional costs may be charged for consultations with medical providers or additional family members if sufficient information is not provided by patient.