CBT for ADHD: Group Therapy for ADHD Treatment

What is CBT?

Therapy to treat ADHD (and other diagnoses).

There are several different approaches to therapy. When working with a client, a therapist bases the work on their preferred therapeutic approach. One such approach is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). CBT addresses thoughts and behaviors and their relationship to each other to achieve specific, measurable, results. We can tell if a treatment worked because we can measure to what extent a goal is achieved. Example:  If you are seeking treatment for depression, a goal of CBT would be to increase mood from a 5/10 to a 7/10 as evidenced by patient report and results from a depression survey taken at various intervals during treatment. For individual therapy, I have a different approach. BUT, for group therapy, CBT is an effective way to maintain structure of the sessions and have clear goals achieved by the end of the group. 

What is CBT for ADHD? 

A non-medication treatment option for ADHD.

CBT for ADHD is a treatment for ADHD without medications. CBT for ADHD is a structured group therapy consisting of 12-14 sessions. Each session is 2 hours in length and incorporates education and practical tools that will help participants manage symptoms of ADHD. 

Specific techniques are used to address time management and getting organized. At the end of the group, you will have the tools you need to plan and implement a project. 

There is a bonus session that addresses getting up and getting to work on time.  Each session comes with a worksheet and homework to do between sessions. Included with the group are mid-week email reminders to help with accountability and to keep participants on track with completing homework.

Is CBT for ADHD a treatment option for me? 

I am looking for an alternative to stimulant medication or an affordable treatment option for ADHD.

There are several ADHD treatment options to consider. You may be hesitant to treat ADHD with medication or you may not be able to take stimulant medication for health reasons. If you have concerns about taking medication for ADHD then CBT for ADHD might be a good place to start.

CBT for ADHD involves a time commitment of 12-14 weeks. Each session is 2 hours long. It is important that you be able to attend each group. A diagnosis or assessment of ADHD is required before you begin the group. Additionally, if you have active thoughts of self-harm or active addiction, these concerns should be addressed prior to entering this group.

Group therapy is a commitment. It is a commitment to yourself and to the others in the group. There is an expectation that you complete the homework to the best of your ability between sessions.

If you have never been in therapy before, CBT for ADHD may be the place to start. It offers the opportunity to learn about the diagnosis of ADHD and understand how it has had an impact on your life. ADHD does not look the same in everyone, this will be the opportunity for you to share your experience with ADHD and hear the stories of others.

The therapist will review the rules of the group and go through a goodness of fit interview prior to entering group therapy.

CBT for ADHD is an excellent treatment in addition to medication management of ADHD. It is very common to start taking stimulant medication and be able to focus better but have no idea on what to focus on. This will be the opportunity to use pills and skills to really maximize the benefit of treatment. If you would like to discuss the different types of treatment for ADHD schedule a consult here.

What will I learn in a CBT for ADHD group?

One of the key components of CBT for ADHD is psychoeducation. This involves educating the individual about ADHD, how it affects their brain, and how it impacts their daily life. This knowledge can help individuals to better understand their symptoms and develop effective coping strategies.

Another component of CBT for ADHD involves learning new skills and strategies to manage symptoms. This may include learning how to break down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps, developing organizational strategies, and improving time management skills. CBT can also help individuals to develop more effective communication strategies and improve social skills.

ADHD is a disorder that effects executive functions. These are skills that we learn as children and are honed over the first 20-25 years of life. There are seven categories of executive function, and each person has varying abilities within these functions.  CBT for ADHD teaches you how to compensate for skills that you don’t possess or how to fine tune the skills that are there and just need some work. The idea behind CBT for ADHD is that you can teach an old dog new tricks. The brain can create new neural pathways that will teach you skills and habits that you have not been able to do before.

You will learn skills for time management, using a planner and scheduling, skills for contingency management, how to prioritize tasks, identifying cognitive distortions and much more. CBT can help individuals to identify and challenge negative thought patterns and beliefs that may be contributing to their symptoms. By learning to recognize and reframe negative thoughts, individuals with ADHD can develop a more positive outlook and improve their overall quality of life.

You will also learn the principals of organizing your space and making it an ADHD friendly environment. Towards the end of the group, you will learn the tools needed to plan a project and get the project done. If you are ready to learn more schedule a consult here

I am organized, should I join the CBT for ADHD group?

Some people with ADHD are organized. You may have developed a set of systems that help you stay on track. Frequently, those with a higher IQ have been able to compensate for deficits in executive functioning by implementing other strategies. You may benefit from the group format even if you are organized. You may be able to share what you have learned with others, and you may also be able to try new techniques that may help you in your next transition. We can also create a custom-made CBT for ADHD plan for you in individual therapy for ADHD.

Is there a CBT for ADHD group near me?

The group will be held in a virtual setting. If you are in Maryland and have access to a good internet connection and device. We will meet you where you’re at.

Enough blah blah blah, how much does therapy for ADHD cost?

Here is the breakdown, depending on the level of services you choose. You will be automatically billed weekly, unless other payment arrangements have been established.

60 Minute Weekly Group ($30-$50)

60 Minute Weekly Group + 30 minute individual hyperfocus session ($90-$130)

60 Minute Weekly Individual Session ($150-$200)

 This includes the supplemental materials that will be emailed to you each week. You will be provided with a superbill for reimbursement if your insurance covers out of network costs. Please contact me or your insurance company to determine if you have out of network coverage.  If you miss a session, you will still be charged the fee and you will be emailed the supplemental materials. Please make every effort to attend each meeting, your group members are counting on you.

So now what? 

If you would like more information about non-medication treatment for ADHD, CBT for ADHD, or therapy and counseling for ADHD please do not hesitate to contact me. Send me a message or schedule a consult.